We caught up with Garry Kendellen from Galway Atlantaquaria to find out how his Pop Up Kiosk was working for his marketing:
Q1. Where did you first see the Pop Up Kiosk/Event Bar?
I was made aware of the Pop Up Event Bar by the owner of our business. He saw it at an event and said we should get one.
Q2. How do you use your branded Pop Up Kiosk?
We use it for events as often as we can. Sometimes we don’t even need an event - we can just put it out across the road and attract new customers. It only takes about 10-15 mins and you are good to go!
Q3. We have seen fantastic photographs of the Pop Up Kiosk both indoors and outdoors. How do you find setting it up and putting it down in both places?
It’s really easy to put up and take down. Perhaps you could make a video of the pop up going up and down as it would highlight the ease of putting them up?
(Garry – we did! Here it is )
Q4. Do you use the Pop-Up Kiosk for children’s activities? What do they think of your Pop Up Kiosk?
I must say we found the Pop Up Kiosk does attract people. The children love the colours and we guarantee it will attract people. Last year we did a presentation of biofacts and the children loved it! While the height of the stands is for adults there is an open area where staff can exit the tent quite easily to attend to younger people on their level.
Q5. Would you recommend the Pop Up Kiosk to our other customers?
I would 100% recommend any business to purchase one. The way I see it you will always have at least three or more opportunities to present your business to the public, so it’s worth it.
I know you might think that if every business has one, how will I stand out? The simple answer is the designers at Pop Up Banners will design a colour choice and style based on your branding! With the different wraps you can buy a different wrap for different events. We have one for our business and we have another wrap for a product we are trying to promote.
Q6. How do you find our ordering process?
It was simple!!
Q7. Will you order again?
Yes, I would be interested in purchasing more of the marketing stands etc. Perhaps you should make table covers in different sizes?
(Great idea - we’ll look into that.)
Q8. Do you have any other comments?
I am very happy with our tent as it’s easy to store, carry, put up, pull down. It attracts all ages to your brand, where you can offer a drawing table, presentation table etc. Each Pop Up Kiosk has an individual window and table where three or more staff can talk to potential customers. It’s an impressive marketing tool and I wish Pop Up Banners the very best of luck.
Thank you.